Saturday, October 24, 2009


I think this is the first time, there has ever been a "National Emergency declared by an American president over a seldom fatal virus" , that at worst keeps you in bed for a week and can be treated with over the counter medications... or even rest, some Jerry Springer episodes, a couch, and Vitamin C.

What's wrong with this picture? EVERYTHING!!! When the President declares National Emergency, he is given certain powers. These powers include: The power to seize property, organize and control means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, seize and control ALL transportation and communication, INSTITUTE MARTIAL LAW, and control the lives of United States citizens.

I would understand how such powers might be necessary, in situtations such as foreign invasion, massive ebola outbreak, massive earthquakes, suddenly 9,000 tornados strike the country, we're getting pelted by astroids, nuclear meltdown, zombie apocolypse, or maybe something like that REAL Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918 that killed 50 million people. This is strain less common and deadly than regualr seasonal flu! STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY declared over a disease that I have only heard of two cases of, through other people who i know have no reason to lie. (If you know of someone who has caught or has the Swine Flu please let me know... so I can have a bigger list of people I know who know people who have caught it.)

Even if it was a serious threat... how is this being predicted!? How is Obama and the maintream media predicting a massive outbreak!? I wasn't aware we had that kind of technology! If we do that's cool! I'd love to have my own "Pandemic Barometer" at some point. What's ridiculous is that there's no sign of an actual pandemic, no way to prove one, but the government can use the media to pump fear into our hearts, and trust this charismatic young President who has a way with words to the point of complete annihilation of our LIBERTY!

So now we have a National Emergency, not the Swine Flu one declared by Obama... but instead an emergency of Totalitarian nature. This is disturbing, and why people can't realize that they're Brainwashed Sheep (after a century where people allowing themselves to be brainwashed sheep caused the worst pandemic of unconsciousness and mass murder in human history) is baffling!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Music by Stallengrad!

I'll be performing a 9:30 AM DJ Set at The 24th Annual Musicians Picnic on October 11th... I know the time sucks... but if you love me or my music enough, you'll show up. For info click the link!
I suggest going... just don't bring beer or drugs... it's put on by sober people.

Tell me how you like it!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tribute to my favorite word of the decade: FASCIST!!

Such a fun word! One that has so many meanings... but ultimately comes down to one basic meaning.

Quite possibly the harshest critic of Totalitarianism in the 20th Century, George Orwell, had this to say about it:

"The word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else... almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. "

I love this quote because it validates my constant overuse of the word. I mean it would be expected to throw this wonderful insult at the obvious recipients: Cops, Department of Traffic, Democrats, Republicans, Blackwater, the IRS, Mainstream Media, Bilderberg, Barack Obama, Neo-Nazi's, Jerry Fallwell, FEMA, the FDA, The Bush Family, Francisco Franco, England, Texas, Mormons, Evangelicals, The Federal Reserve, Zionists, the Taliban, AT&T, Glenn Beck, Keith Olberman, Scientologists, and so on...

All these things are obviously fascist. Why? Because I said so!... Does that "because I said so" rationalization make ME a fascist on some level? Of coarse it does! Is this a reflection of how things would be if I were a dictator? YES! Shit would be MESSED UP! There would be forced labor camps, and some of the most ridiculous laws known to man kind made souly for my entertainment. I wouldn't wish being a citizen of my Totalitarian state on anyone... who doesn't deserve it at least.

Examples of when the term FASCIST is appropriate:

1)You go into the break room at work to indulge in one of the chocolate chip cookies Mrs. Pewterschmidt brought in on a massive tray for the crew, alas, they have all been eaten by your co-workers. Who do you pin this on? Bill in accounting? Janet in advertising? Or how about your manager Gill? These are all possibilities, and most likely all correct. They are conspiring against your happiness for their own gain. You were entitled to one of those cookies. The collective greed of your co-workers are oppressing your tastebuds, your pursuit of happiness has been foiled. This is a violation of your constitutional rights and is the work of FASCISTS!

2) You're driving on the freeway, you're behind some bastard in a Ford F150 who's doing 55mph. The Fucking speed limit is 65. This alone is a tell tale sign that he is quite possibly a fascist. But you never know, he could just be an Asian, therefor making the "fascist" label unfair (funny nonetheless). If this is the case, it's not his fault he drives slow, he's Asian, like his innability to tip a waiter, it's genetic. The lane to you're right is going 50mph, and everyone in the fastlane is passing by you every 2 seconds at about 75-85mph. You finally have a window of opportunity to get over, you're exit is a mile away, you just want to get around this hypothetic Asian, so you can get to where you need to as quickly as possible. You get into the fast lane and accelerate... you look to your right... the driver in that F150 is NOT Asian.. he's some jock with no neck and manboobs, sipping a big gulp, and listening to Nickleback (Should have known he wasn't Asian... he's driving a Ford)... annoyingly enough right when you decide to pass him.. he decides to accelerate, at your same exact rate, you look at him and ask yourself at this point "Is this man a fascist? Or not paying a attention?" . The fastlane starts to slow down... and this jock zipps past you... so you get back behind him. He decides to slow back down to 60 when you get back behind him... no reason... just to be a what? FASCIST!! Confirmed!

3)This happened to me the other night. I was at a club in Hollywood, happily dancing to Depeche Mode "Enjoy the Silence", then Joy Division "Love will tear us apart", then the Chameleons "Swamp Thing"... I was having a wonderful time. Then the DJ decided to be a FASCIST... by playing some Tori Amos. Tori Amos sucks balls, and didn't even fit with the set list. That was a disgusting display of musical fascism! It's not a matter of opinion. It's a matter of fact. AND don't you dare turn this around on me and say "But Sean, isn't your opinionation and belief that everyone elses taste in music sucks and yours is superior, and act of fascism in and of itself?" because that will attack my inflated ego, and force me to deal with the fact that I am indeed a fascist, and this is why I call everyone else one.

Now, if we want to get into the actual definition of the word... the dictionary defines Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Benito Mussolini, Fascism's founding father, said "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism, for it is the merger of State and Corporation."

I love that quote... it describes EVERY regime on this globe, in this century.

My Definition of Fascist: If you are a person, animal, or object, that i can not control, you are a fascist.

In otherwords pretty much every one of you, every gust of wind, fussy computer, and McDonalds cashier on the planet is a FUCKING FASCIST! But I still love you. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I have a blog! Oh yeeeeeah, huh!

Thank you Lilly for posting a link to Jeremy's blog on Facebook, reminding me that not only do I have a dormant blog... but that I can follow more blogs! Wow shit... January 28th... it's been that long! Funny how I always bitch about politics when I'm feeling torn up inside. I only had 8 days of sobriety then... fuck that was misery. Now with 8 months... life is the best! But for some reason I still want to bitch about politics. Maybe i should do it here, rather than freaking out all of my friends and family... and put it somewhere where people have a choice to subscribe to my holier than thou rants. Good idea.

And I end this post with a brilliant photo...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hope and Change... is this what you had in mind?

This past Sunday the successor to Dick Cheney, Vice President Lynden Biden Johnson politely warned the American public of a rise in US casualties, as they step up operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  They will also be increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan from 30,000 to 60,000. History repeats like a motherfucker. (read article here) Yes we are taking the fight to Pakistan... and yes this means we are upsetting a country with it's own nuclear arsenal. If you were the leader of a country, and some bully decides to launch missiles into a village killing 22 of your civilians and 11 of your  soldiers, how would you react? 

Was killing innocent women and children something you thought was supposed to "change?" Is this some sick murderous bastards idea of "hope?" 

I'm very thankful that mentally ill, halfwit is out of office... but is our new "messiah" teaching our children anything different? Is this going to end terrorist attacks or create more?  Is this not an act of terror in and of itself? Sorry, I would be just as terrified of some muslim running into a bus, screaming "Allah!" and blowing himself and everyone in it to a chunky jello like substance, as i would be a missile falling from the sky doing the same to 22 of my neighbors. There is NO moral difference that I can justify, or any republicrat can justify to me.

Since this ridiculous "War On Terror" started, our use of terror to fight it has done nothing but cause a dramatic increase in the size of groups like Al Qaeda. Fighting terror with terror is not fighting fire with fire... it's fighting fire with gasoline. 

Back on the subject of Afghanistan: 

In 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, ousted the government, but the war was not over.  In 1985 (7 years later)... Mikail Gorbechev became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and inherited a failing war and economy. That year the USSR increased their troops to 108,800 making 1985 the bloodiest year of the war. We all know that this lead directly to the toppling of the largest super power the world had ever seen. 

In 2001 the United States invaded Afghanistan, in 2002 ousted the government, but the war was far from over. In 2009 (7 years later)... Barack Obama became the President of the United States of Americas, and inherited a failing war and economy. This year the USA  is increasing their troops to 60,000... NATO forces should make up the difference there. This brings us up to date.

 Now what does history predict?  What will happen to the US in 4 years? 

A failing economy is in and of itself a draft. More and more young Americans are not able to secure financial aid for college, more and more young, poorly educated Americans are losing their blue collar jobs and left with no other choice but to enlist. 

History doesn't just stop repeating itself because you elect a charismatic leader with a few good catch phrases... in fact electing such a person is a direct repetition of history. *cough* Germany during the depression! *cough*.