Was killing innocent women and children something you thought was supposed to "change?" Is this some sick murderous bastards idea of "hope?"
I'm very thankful that mentally ill, halfwit is out of office... but is our new "messiah" teaching our children anything different? Is this going to end terrorist attacks or create more? Is this not an act of terror in and of itself? Sorry, I would be just as terrified of some muslim running into a bus, screaming "Allah!" and blowing himself and everyone in it to a chunky jello like substance, as i would be a missile falling from the sky doing the same to 22 of my neighbors. There is NO moral difference that I can justify, or any republicrat can justify to me.
Since this ridiculous "War On Terror" started, our use of terror to fight it has done nothing but cause a dramatic increase in the size of groups like Al Qaeda. Fighting terror with terror is not fighting fire with fire... it's fighting fire with gasoline.
Back on the subject of Afghanistan:
In 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, ousted the government, but the war was not over. In 1985 (7 years later)... Mikail Gorbechev became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and inherited a failing war and economy. That year the USSR increased their troops to 108,800 making 1985 the bloodiest year of the war. We all know that this lead directly to the toppling of the largest super power the world had ever seen.
In 2001 the United States invaded Afghanistan, in 2002 ousted the government, but the war was far from over. In 2009 (7 years later)... Barack Obama became the President of the United States of Americas, and inherited a failing war and economy. This year the USA is increasing their troops to 60,000... NATO forces should make up the difference there. This brings us up to date.
Now what does history predict? What will happen to the US in 4 years?
A failing economy is in and of itself a draft. More and more young Americans are not able to secure financial aid for college, more and more young, poorly educated Americans are losing their blue collar jobs and left with no other choice but to enlist.
History doesn't just stop repeating itself because you elect a charismatic leader with a few good catch phrases... in fact electing such a person is a direct repetition of history. *cough* Germany during the depression! *cough*.