Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Billy Childish: A Golden God

Above you see a picture of one of his countless groups, this one being "Billy Childish and the Musicians of the British Empire."  This artistic dynamo has actually recorded over 100 full length LP's, written 40 collections of poetry, and somewhere around 2,500 paintings. His music ranges from punk rock, comedy, to rockabilly, and Medway Delta Blues.  He is in my opinion the embodiment of punk rock, in it's rawest form. Have a look and listen!...
I don't feel like typing  anymore.

Suburban Robots that Monitor Reality

I didn't just start this blog to rant about politics, and things that irritate me. I also started it to share portions of my vast eclectic music library with those who would appreciate it.

If you know me at all... you know my favorite band of all time is DEVO!

Q:Why is Devo my favorite band of all time? 
A: There is no artist or band that I've heard that is more original, creative, and all around AMAZING. They invented the concept of controlling video with their synthesizers... before Dave Smith invented the MIDI language. They were the first create it's own philosophic theory (De-evolution), name their band after it, only to prove it fact election after election. They're one of the few bands that can still make kick ass music and tour after 36 years of being a band. 

Weirdos, geeks, nerds, dorks, outcasts, rebels, and/or anyone who's definition of cool is uniquely theirs, or is simply through being cool, Devo is your voice. 

Here is Devo's latest song: Watch Us Work It
Here is My Favorite Devo Song:  Going Under

If you want more Devo... buy more! I did!
If you want to learn more about Devo, their bible is in DVD form... and if you're hardcore into Devo watch the commentary... I have about 30 times.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Land of the Free... my ass.

Carless and broke on my day off, I did nothing but read a lot of articles today... and  started up this blog. I had another blog that did on my site Stallengrad.com... but I had to manage and create  it through this limiting little app called "iWeb"... that had this obnoxious tendency to fuck up all the neat text things it claimed to do upon publishing. Besides... I don't have to pay for this domain.

Back on subject... This article I read today in particular PISSED me off. It was about Israel and their desire to mount a military strike on Iran before January 20th (inauguration day), and Bush's support of the action. 

Great. Fucking Great. 

True Iran is no ideal free state or anything... and I STRONGLY disagree with any political system that is non-secular... this includes Israel. Why would "secular" nation such as the United  States of America support any nation that advocates tyranny through religion? Maybe because we have a similar system. I don't care if that 70% of a religious group was rounded up on cattle cars, gassed, and burned in ovens 65 years ago... that doesn't make every decision they make "democratic" or justified... that doesn't mean they get to treat other humans the same way they were treated. I could care less if Israel nukes Iran... or visa versa... they both deserve being destroyed by each other. But WHY must we get involved?  

We will get involved, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Let's say Israel invades Iran... unlike our Fueher Bush... will Obama, Lynden Biden Johnson or  Secretary of State Billary Clinton just sit back and not get involved? NO! They pledged otherwise. And the last two times a draft was put into action, it was done by FDR and LBJ... Democrats. What just because our president is black, not from Texas, and isn't the village idiot means he won't do what's necessary to facilitate a war of this scale?

The planet is ripe and overdue for World War 3. The economy is in the crapper, we're overpopulated, and some there's far too many Super Powers competing with each other. To the bankers, democrats, and republicans, any excuse for a draft would be music to their ears.  

THIS is why I have an overwhelming desire to leave everything and join the successful and daring Somolian pirates.